Search Results
Open MLIR Meeting 1-26-2023: Controllable Transformations in MLIR with the `transforms` dialect
2023 EuroLLVM - Tutorial: Controllable Transformations in MLIR
MLIR Open Meeting 2022-03-17: Interfaces and dialects for precise IR transformation control
MLIR Open Meeting 2022-01-27: Introduction to Linalg.generic
MLIR Open Meeting 2021-05-27: A MLIR Dialect for Quantum Assembly Languages
Open MLIR Meeting 06-22-2023: Targeting ARM SME from MLIR and SME Dialect
2023 EuroLLVM - MLIR Dialect Design and Composition for Front-End Compilers
MLIR Open Meeting 2022-01-20: A data-centric dialect for MLIR
Open MLIR Meeting 07-13-2023: mlir-query: Tool to query MLIR IR dynamically
Open MLIR Meeting 3-30-2023: Representing Dataflow with MLIR
MLIR Open Meeting 2022-01-13: One-Shot Function Bufferization of Tensor Programs
MLIR Open Meeting 2022-10-06: Coordinate Transformations in AMD’s rocMLIR